Be a ForecastCity affiliate!
If you have a website or an online blog, are active on social network sites like Facebook, or have a web presence, you can earn plenty of money by recommending ForecastCity!
- It is easy to get started! Just share your personal link with other people via e-mail or on websites, Facebook, Google+, online blogs, online forums, or other similar sites.
- You will be recognized by the web browser’s cookies whenever other visitors enter ForecastCity through your link and automatically register as their recommender for one year!
- If the user you recommend becomes a ForecastCity subscriber, you will get a 25% commission.
- If the users you recommended extend their subscription, you will receive another commission for each renewal without any limitation.
- Commissions are automatically calculated at the end of each month and paid to your account via PayPal or WebMoney at most in a week, regardless of any min or max limitations on their amounts.
- You can check the status of subscribers recommended by you and the amount of your related commissions in the “Affiliates Center” section whenever you like.
To find out more details about this promotion and apply to participate, please go to this page!