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زوارنا الأعزّاء! حالياً نقوم بترجمة موقعنا إلى اللّغة العربيّة. ما زالت بعض الصّفحات قيد التّرجمة فالرجاء منكم استخدام الموقع باللّغة الإنكليزية عوضاً عنها.

World-leading financial services with no interruption.

To our ForecastCity community,

As the world deals with the effects of COVID-19, we recognize that this is a difficult time both personally and professionally for many people. This is especially apparent to all of us at ForecastCity as our community of subscibers touches nearly every country around the globe.

Here’s what we can promise during this crisis;

We will continue to deliver all of the services and will support our community throughout.

COVID-19 and our Services

Here’s how:

ForecastCity's Services includes:

"Intraday Forecast" for 9 Forex Pairs

"Daily Trading Opportunity" (DTO) for 28 Forex Pairs

"Weekly Forecast" for 36 Forex Pairs

"Weekly Forecast" for 34 CryptoCurrency

"Weekly Forecast" for "Gold", "Silver", "Brent oil", "WTI Crude Oil" and "Natural Gas"

We’ve built a robust decentralized team and a resilient platform over the years in order to be flexible during a crisis.

No Interruption to Our Services

Despite the enormous strain on businesses globally, all of our services continue to operate normally.

Online Support

Also, the forecast and support teams will remain responsive as always.

We’re Here for You

Don’t hesitate to reach out. You rely on us every day to ensure high accurate forecasts in Forex, Cryptocurrencies and commodities. If we can do better, let us know.

Share Your Experience

Write us and tell us how your work is doing or how your community is coping. It’s important that we share our experiences and confront this crisis collectively.

In the meantime, please stay safe and stay healthy.