Total Profit: 5125 pip
Closed trade(s): 3943 pip Profit
Open trade(s): 1182 pip Profit
Trade Setup:
We opened 12 BUY trades @ 0.78293 based on 'Valley' entry method at 2022-09-29.
Closed Profit:
TP1 @ 0.78724 touched at 2022-10-06 with 43 pip Profit.
TP2 @ 0.79336 touched at 2022-10-27 with 105 pip Profit.
TP3 @ 0.80265 touched at 2022-11-02 with 198 pip Profit.
TP4 @ 0.81424 touched at 2022-11-15 with 313 pip Profit.
TP5 @ 0.82520 touched at 2022-11-18 with 423 pip Profit.
TP6 @ 0.83350 touched at 2022-11-23 with 506 pip Profit.
TP7 @ 0.84740 touched at 2022-11-30 with 645 pip Profit.
TP8 @ 0.85990 touched at 2022-12-02 with 770 pip Profit.
TP9 @ 0.87693 touched at 2022-12-12 with 940 pip Profit.
43 + 105 + 198 + 313 + 423 + 506 + 645 + 770 + 940 = 3943 pip
Open Profit:
Profit for one BUY trade is 0.82228(current price) - 0.78293(open price) = 394 pip
3 trade(s) still open, therefore total profit for open trade(s) is 394 x 3 = 1182 pip